On rising
- Scrape your Tongue (with tongue scraper ideally)
- Shake (instructions provided)
Wait 1/2 to1 hr - Herbs – Take 5 mls each time.
- Breakfast (Optional)
- Black Minerals 1 teaspoon in water
- Shake followed by Vegetable juice, or super greens with water, or herb tea
Wait ½ hour - Herbs Take 5 ml
- Lunch (Optional)
- Shake again follow with a big drink of juice, herb tea or hot water
- Herbs Take 5 ml
- Dinner (Optional) Meals can be supplemented with fresh veggie juice or protein shake or nourishing soups.
Before Bed
- Probiotic supplement
Foods to enjoy
Lots of fresh vegetables and fruits (preferably organic), herb teas, pure hot water, easy to digest protein foods (such as soaked almonds, avocados, quinoa, tofu, tempeh, mung beans, kitchari – ask us for recipe, fish), ideally cooked/prepared with digestion enhancing spices (such as cumin, fennel, coriander and turmeric). Also sprouts and small amounts of cooked alkaline grains (such as quinoa, buckwheat and millet).
Foods to avoid
Sugar, white flour, coffee, tea, all caffeine, alcohol, smoking, dairy, processed foods (including white bread and pasta), fried foods and carbonated drinks
Tips and Tricks
- Dry Skin Brushing
- Sip plain hot water throughout the day. Ideally 4-5 cups
- If you become nauseous, try Fennel, Ginger or Peppermint tea or mix ½ teaspoon Slippery Elm with a little warm water and honey, and take whenever symptoms arise
- To increase the effectiveness of the cleanse you can also take 40 ml Aloe Vera juice 1-2 times daily
- If you get a headache, drink more water or soothing herb tea
- Licorice tea is great to balance blood sugars, drink if feeling low
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